But I like vegan waffles.
The ones made by Vans Waffles.
I know.
It doesn't make sense.
They taste more like gingerbread than they do waffles; they look like gingerbread, too. They're fairly small and can be broken into four differen't pieces, which is convenient and pretty cute.
For anybody who has a gingerbread admiration, and likes breaking things, I'd recommend these.
They're also a lot less awkward to eat than regular waffles are, seeing as they're not round nor are they annoyingly crunchy.
So far, in the battle over breakfast, the Vegans are winning.
I swear, these waffles were that good.
Lunch is my least favorite meal of the day, and on the weekends, I kinda just don't have it. It's usually because I'm a busy girl who tries to get 59290510919009 projects done and read 8 different books at the same time before I succumb to texts from Chrissy and Steph asking me to leave my house; I literally will not leave my house until I get everything done that I wished to get done. So that results in me just not caring about lunch. I'll have like a bunch of fruit or something and call it an afternoon.
I gave that dreaded granola bar another try. It was even worse the second time around. So, if you're in King Kullen's organic section, and stumble upon the green granola bar package with a panda on it (oh wait, there's like 75 of those) just please, for the love of all that is holy, do not buy it.
Regardless, my fruit bowl was lovely. Rather than popping dark-chocolate covered pomegranate's or blueberries into my mouth (which can actually, to my surprise, become quite filling) the fruit buffet was energizing.
So far, Day Two has given Vegan's a score of 2 for 2.
My family has quite a few February birthday's; my aunt, my grandma, and I are all born in February (but I don't have to share a celebration like my aunt and my grandma do). So tonight, mia familia and I went out to our usual Honeymooners-esque (Jackie Gleason, anyone?) Chinese restaurant (I swear, this place looks like it came straight from Brooklyn). I was a tad nervous. My old-fashioned Italian family fails to understand what a vegan actually is, and 99.9% of the responses I recieved from them about this challenge were "what the hell a ya doin'? fuggedaboutit!"
Their faces looked something like this:

(Yes, that's Jackie Gleason as Ralph Kramden, in an episode of The Honeymooners, a la Brooklyn circa the 1950's)
So tonight, as we gathered into the restaurant, I was, as I always am, the one who was picked on. However, as it turns out, vegans may just be the happiest people in the world in a Chinese restaurant, for they are certainly the only ones who can walk out of one not feeling as though they've just gained 582258814194909052099502295009525902109194 pounds. The only part of my dinner that I didn't enjoy was the miso soup (it tasted a bit like windex). Other than that, I was perfectly content with my asian-hippy meal, which consisted of scalian pancakes (it's like Chinese pizza and is totally vegan friendly, check it out), vegetable dumplings, vegetable lomaine, and brown rice. May I just note that I had very relaxing tea alongside my plate so I was in vegan heaven, and it was wonderful. So the answer is yes, my friends, vegans can survive in Chinese restaurants, believe it or not you don't have to order ribs and eggrolls, there is other (and healthier) stuff on the menu. Just think of Ralph Kramden's stomach if you're tempted.
A few minutes ago I tried a vegan cookie, and although it was a tad hollow, it was actually a pleasant surprise. It tasted a little more....what's the word I'm looking for here....crumbly. Is that a word, "crumbly?" Well, it's a word now, because I can't think of any other way to describe this cookie. But, it was delicious, just the way a normal non-vegan cookie would be; except, it doesn't make you feel guilty about eating 'junk food' because well, it's not junk food.
Oh, the beauty of being a vegan. La vita e bella.
I've been stalking that Vegan News guy on YouTube, and so far the most interesting show I've found is one about how piglets react to being placed in a cage. But, you're in luck. I found a video from a CNN news special on veganism, and I think it's worth a watch.
ciao, non-vegans.
*VEGAN THOUGHT OF THE DAY: Why do vegan waffles smell like perfume?
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